What is hand therapy?

Hand therapy helps a patient regain maximum use of his or her hand after injury, surgery or the onset of disease.

The American Society of Hand Therapists defines Hand Therapy as:

the art and science of rehabilitation of the upper extremity. Hand Therapy has developed from the professions of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. The hand therapist combines comprehensive knowledge of the upper extremity with special skills in assessment and treatment to prevent dysfunction, restore function or reverse the advancement of pathology in the upper extremity……..
ASHT 1987. Journal of Hand Therapy 1 (1), p.16.

What is hand therapy?The foundation of hand therapy lies in the therapist having advanced knowledge and understanding of how various tissues in the body respond to injury and repair, and how each tissue heals. Relevant tissues in the hand and upper limb include tendon, bone, ligament, fascia, skin, nerve, blood vessels, muscles and cartilage.

A hand therapist utilizes advanced skills in the fabrication of thermoplastic splints, wound and scar management, exercise prescription, oedema (swelling) management, pain management, sensory re-education and desensitisation, strengthening and functional training, to help patients regain maximum use of their upper limb.

We're here to help!

For appointments, enquiries or just to find out more about Geelong Hand Therapy, feel free to contact us any time.
(03) 5221 7171
3 Sydney Ave
Geelong, Vic 3220

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Mon to Fri: 8:30am to 5pm

Every 2nd Sat: 9am to 1pm


 Mon: 8:30am - 4pm

 Thurs: 8am - 4pm



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